Roofing Services

5 Situations When You Have To Avoid Roof Repair And Replace The Roof

The roof serves as the first line of defense against weather elements; therefore, when it’s not working properly, you have a reason to worry. In most cases, all you need to do is to hire a roof repair professional and repair the issues that the roof might be having but in other cases, you will have to replace the entire roof.  Here are situations when you have to way out, other than to replace the roof:

The roof is more than 25 years old

On average, a roof should last between 20 and 25 years. Is your roof older than this and it’s frequently having issues? You should consider replacing it. Just like an old car, an old roof tends to develop a wide range of problems such as leaking and many others. There is no way you can fix these problems permanently—you have to replace the roof. While you can fix the issues through repair, the problems will still come back after a short while. This is because the roof is old. Do you want to get rid of the issues once and for all? Hire a roofing contractor to install a new roof.

The shingles are curling

Do you have shingles on your roof? There are two ways in which they can curl: cupping and clawing. Cupping comes about when the edges of the shingles turn upwards. Clawing, on the other hand, comes about when the edges stay flat and the middle part starts to come up. Both of these ways are signs that the roof is weathering and it’s time to consider installing a new roof. You don’t have to hire a professional to help you in telling that it’s time to replace the roof. All you need to do is to look at the slopes of your house that gets direct sunlight. Are the shingles curling and losing granules? You have a reason to worry. In most cases, the shingles have passed their life expectancy and it’s time to get new ones. When buying the replacement pieces, go for high-quality pieces that will last for a long time.

All of the shingles are missing

When just a few shingles are missing isn’t a big issue as you can replace them easily but when many of them are missing, you have a reason to worry. This is because it’s very rare to find new shingles that will match the ones already on the roof. For you to avoid giving your house an ugly look, you should install all new shingles. Since all of them will be having matching colors, you will give your roof an excellent look. You can use shingles of a color that was previously there or you can use a different color. You only need to ensure that the color you use complements the design of your house.

There are granules in the gutters

The purpose of granules is to keep the sun off the asphalt. If you are finding granules in the gutters and your shingles are old, it means that the shingles are no longer being protected from the sun. As a result, they are more likely to deteriorate fast. Since it’s impossible to protect the shingles at this point, you have no way out other than to replace them. You should note that if you have just installed new shingles, it’s common to find some granules in the gutters. This is usually because a few of them get loose. In some cases, the extra ones get there. If you find the granules in your new gutters, you have nothing to be worried about.

Presence of moss or algae on the roof

Most healthy shingles are resistant to algae; therefore, when you notice that your shingles are being heavily infested, you have a reason to worry. It means that the shingles have weakened, and it’s time to think of installing new ones. You should note that sometimes you can get away with scraping away the green stuff. You should only do this if you have recently installed the new roof. For you to avoid damaging the shingles when scraping them off, hire reputable roofing companies hudson oh to help you out.

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